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BGFA opens funding round in Mozambique for PUE

A second funding round in Mozambique focused on productive-use-of-energy solutions will open at the end of June. This is BGFA’s sixth Call for Proposals to incentivise clean off-grid energy solutions in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The new funding round will target productive-use-of-energy (PUE) providers across a range of fields, including agriculture (water pumping, irrigation), food processing and distribution (cold chain), fishing and e-mobility. PUE solutions linked to mini-grids will also be eligible. The total funding available will be EUR 3.4 million.

PUE solutions can provide broad socio-economic benefits for the population of Mozambique, including economic growth, income generation, job creation and often reduced workloads, allowing people time to undertake additional productive activities. Only a few years ago, solar water pumping and solar refrigeration were still classified as ‘near-to-market’ solutions, but they are now widely represented in the BGFA portfolio in Uganda and Zambia. As a next step, we would like to scale the market in Mozambique

Tina Möller, Programme Manager at Nefco

All interested for-profit energy service providers with experience scaling PUE solutions in Mozambique or elsewhere in Sub-Saharan Africa are cordially invited to apply. Applicants will be required to demonstrate capacity to scale their operations. In Mozambique, the Call is being promoted by Associação Moçambicana de Energias Renováveis (AMER), the Mozambican Renewable Energy Association.

As with recent calls, the new Call (BGFA6) will be administered via a simplified, single-stage application process. Applicants will be asked to submit a Business Plan, in addition to meeting the key eligibility BGFA requirements.

Under the Call for Proposals, opening at the end of June 2024, companies are invited to apply for funding via an online application process. Further information, selection criteria and guidelines will be made available on the BGFA website,, when the funding round opens.